Blog Entries

GUPDates #2: March 2024
Welcome to our latest newsletter! In this issue, we delve into the real estate market’s current trends, discuss the resilience of residential housing, and explore new opportunities despite widespread concerns of an impending crash. Our Thoughts and Updates From Dan:

GUPDates #1: February 2024
Hello everyone! This is the first of what will be a monthly newsletter that we will be sharing with you all where we will be detailing what we’re doing, seeing, and buying in our businesses across the country. Over the

Why would someone sell to you at a discount?
By understanding these dynamics, savvy investors like you can seize these golden opportunities and buy properties at an extreme discount.

What is land flipping?
While that might not sound as “sexy” as owning a Vacant Land Acquisition, Development, and Sales company, it is truly what all of us are doing.
Check out...
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